Designed for Surgical and Restorative Aesthetics and Efficiency

  • Easy, efficient and proven Encode technology with contemporary emergence profile designs, intuitive codes and pink matte appearance.
  • Eliminate the healing abutment and impression coping or scan body swapping process, while delivering soft tissue healing with natural emergence profile.
  • Patients have a better experience and a beautiful aesthetic outcome as compared to traditional procedures with impression copings.


Benefits for the Patient

  • Comfort: There is no need to use impression copings, resulting in a less invasive impression procedure for improved patient comfort.
  • Fewer Visits: The intraoral scan can be taken by the specialist at the surgical release visit, eliminating a restorative appointment and resulting in less visits to the dentist’s office compared to traditional procedures.
  • Aesthetic Outcomes: Abutments designed specifically for the patient's anatomy, for better aesthetic outcomes compared to traditional non-digital procedures.


Customized Restorative Solutions 

Workflow Options


Your ZimVie Path of Digital Dentistry

Suite of connected solutions allows you to choose your course for a precisely positioned, esthetically restored ZimVie Implant. 

Find an EEL -  Encode® Empowered Laboratory

Due to advancements in digital dentistry, laboratories are now able to control the design of their CAD/CAM Encode Abutments, experience faster turnaround times as well as enjoy a more simplified workflow to better support and serve their clinicians. Through the development of this program, laboratories are provided with the following benefits:

  • Scan and design control from a BellaTek Encode Impression
  • Reduced turnaround times
  • Abutment material flexibility
  • Cost effective milling options

Additional Information

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